19 April, 2006

Kelly Clarkson makes my Penis Shrivel

First, let me apologize for posting these after the Scarlett Johansson pics... now let's move on to how disgusting Kelly is. I don't care if she slims down(which rumor has it she has/is), you can't shed off ugly. There's nothing remotely attractive about her, especially when she stole the Grammy from Paul McCartney. I swear people have no clue what good music is these days.

Anyway, i know there are fans out there(freaks)... so choke on these:


Pope Snarky Goodfella OTUC, POEE said...

Hail Eris!

If she "slimmed down", she'd be anorexic...I have no idea where you get "ugly", however. Probably just an individual thing.

Snarky (not a Clarkson fan)

EvilCorporateWhore said...

yeah, i suppose it's a personal opinion. i can see how people would be drawn to her, but people are naturally drawn to celebrities.

i just don't like her face... it's the mouth mostly, it bothers me. i don't even mind the weight on her. although i do prefer a thinner girl. i wouldn't trash her on that alone.

me no likey the face.

Anonymous said...

Since it took me a minute to figure out that you've chosen comment moderation, you may publish this: I disagree.

EvilCorporateWhore said...

yeah, i turned it on because someone(i believe at TPF) took it upon themselves to spam the comments by posting "CUNT" 4,000 times in a row.

on 5 seperate occasions... for some reason a few people(obviously mature ones) just don't get a long with me.

btw, what exactly are you disagreeing with, icp?

Anonymous said...

I disagree with:
"Kelly Clarkson makes my Penis Shrivel"
She most certainly does not make your penis shrivel.
