26 December, 2006

Pamela Anderson flashes the Goods

Well, by "goods" ofcourse i mean her sexy red satin underthingies. Anyone else think this is much sexier than seeing her pink bits in all their glory? ...i sure do. Some things should just be left to the imagination, and/or the bedroom. Maybe Britney Spears and the other skanks can take a lesson... 'cuz if you're gonna be a skank, you might as well be a classy skank.


Anonymous said...

Damn, her legs are looking fine!

Steve said...

Ok! Nice legs and excellent color panties for the season. Now where are those uncensored pictures of Ms. Teen Nevada??? Where?

Unknown said...

Why does she have a drink already? I keep hearing she's drinking a lot. She should slow down for her own good.

Anonymous said...

I must say her panties and her legs are looking really hot and sexy!

Nice pics ECW.

Anonymous said...

I disagree, I want to see more!!!
