04 August, 2006

Ashlee Simpson breaks her Upskirt Cherry

I don't think there's really been a full fledged candid upskirt by Ashlee, i could be wrong of course. For one, i say it's about goddamn time. I'm still uncertain about all the surgery she's had, she looks pretty fuckin' good, but she also lost that distinctive look she had going for her. I wouldn't say she looks more like Jessica, i would just say she looks more like every other blonde barbie doll out there. Hmm, i bet that this "new" face would look 1000x hotter with black hair.


Anonymous said...

She did try to keep her legs together, unlike many others.

Anonymous said...


Tag-free versions, great pics. Ashlee is beyond gorgeous. I agree about the black hair part.

EvilCorporateWhore said...

yeah, i removed the tags. they're much better now.

and i can't decide whether her trying to keep her legs together is a good thing or not. my penis tells me it's definitely not.

Anonymous said...

I'm just so proud of her for having her undies on.

Anonymous said...

Hope next time she go's natural or at least wears a thong!

Anonymous said...

Ashlee: if you're ever gonna escalate this who-can-show-more-skin war with your sister, you MUST leave the panties at home.

Sorry, but thin dress + no bra still beats an upskirt shot. On the other hand, if the next time you could show us whether you shave or not...

Anonymous said...

Showing show much leg, she looks like a news anchor on the spanish channel.

Paris would have flopped out the beef curtains for us.

Great toned legs though.

Anonymous said...

wonder if dear old dad tagged that too ;)
